企業理念 / 取り組み
Meaning included in the corporate brand
The meaning of the corporate brand "Earth sign" includes the desire to contribute to the realization of a prosperous society by continuing to provide products and services that satisfy our customers worldwide.
- As a leading company in sanding and polishing in Japan, we are aware of social responsibility, promote honest and fair corporate activities without strict compliance with laws and regulations, rules and social norms.
- Considering customers as the first, always providing the best products and services.
- Shareholders, highly valued from the market, widely trusted by society.
- It is worth working for employees, making it an attractive workplace.
Behavioral guidelines
- Practice fair, transparent and free competition, and strive to preserve and expand company assets.
- Every employee has a high ethical standard (for example, "safety first", "not lying", "keep rules", "show no gap to antisocial forces, Acts voluntarily and autonomously with cooperation, etc. and carries out duties, and builds a free and vigorous workplace.
Environmental philosophy
- We recognize that inheriting the rich global environment to the next generation is an important issue common to mankind and conduct activities that take into consideration the conservation of the global environment in all aspects of our business activities.
In order to realize the purpose of "always providing the best products and services" indicated in the RIKEN CORUNDUM Charter, the following quality policy shall be set.
1, We accurately grasp customer needs and expectations, speedily realize products that respond to those demands, and ensure stable supply
2, Products, customers / markets, shareholders, etc. Set quality targets related to stakeholders and practice PDCA
3, Strict compliance with laws and regulations, social requirements such as environmental protection measures, management's requirements and company regulations, to meet customer requirements
4, Continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system with the aim of improving customer satisfaction
- We stated in our company's environmental philosophy that "We recognize that it is a common matter common to all human beings to succeed the rich global environment to the next generation, and in all aspects of our business activities, we will carry out activities that take into consideration the preservation of the global environment . (1) Promote green procurement of products, parts, materials and raw materials with low environmental impacts, and (2) ISO 14001 certification acquired on December 23, 2006, environmentally friendly · We will promote improvement activities and declare to preserve the global environment by delivering environmentally friendly products to our customers.
- Improve productivity and enhance profitability.
- Expansion of sales and enhancement of customer service.
- Development of new products and development of new markets.
Quality policy
Green declaration
Basic task
Basic sustainability policy
1. Practice wholesome corporate management
As a leading company in grinding and polishing in Japan, we recognize our social responsibility and promote honest and fair corporate activities.
2. Respect for human rights
We respect all stakeholders rights regardless of their gender and nationality with diversity as the premise.
3. Contribute to the community
We will play an active role of revitalization of community and make an affluent living environment through discussion with community.
4. Promote compliance
We will comply with regulation and social norms in all business activities, discipline ourselves and build trust with society by responding to expectation and demand.
5. Create the workplace with job satisfaction
We will make the workplace with job satisfaction and create the work environment where each employee can exert their creativity.
6. Promote fair trading
Build trust with customers through fair trading under free and fair competition.

Sustainability promotion system
Establishment of sustainability promotion committee
Committee member: full-time director